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The 6th Annual West Coast Constellations Intensive

June 1-5, 2022, San Rafael, CA USA

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Christina will hold an evening workshop:

Connection & Play

Yes, you can! This gentle workshop will guide you through connective exercises, fit for all. Feeling belonging in a group makes our brain releases chemicals that increase happiness and flow. Let's allow this playful field to open our hearts and minds.


Announcing our Conference Theme -

Rest ~ Reconciliation ~ Re-Connecting: Returning to Soul


2022 Facilitators Leslie Nipps, Francesca Mason Boring, Shavasti (John L. Payne)

I'm pleased to be the Program Assistant, planning and organizing this Intensive with its founder, Leslie Nipps. 

We are in our 6th year of holding a wide field for constellations to unfold in many forms with our warm, intelligent, internationally respected faculty. Please join us!

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